
Engineering electron pathways in 2-D topological insulators

In a recent article published in Physical Review Letters a research collaborative has reported new insights into the electronic conduction and interference on 2-D topological insulators—an exotic kind of insulator that ...

How dormant listeria hides in cells

A serious infection of dietary origin that is caused by the Listeria monocytogenes bacterium, listeriosis is associated with severe clinical symptoms and a high mortality rate in individuals with weakened immune systems. ...

Fighting myocardial infarction with nanoparticle tandems

How can damaged cardiac tissue following a heart attack best be treated with replacement muscle cells? A research team under the supervision of the University of Bonn reports an innovative method: Muscle replacement cells ...

Virtual reality for bacteria

Scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) have managed to control the behavior of individual bacteria by connecting them to a computer. The interdisciplinary team including experimental biologist ...

Model of galaxy and star cluster formation corrected

When galaxy clusters and globular star clusters form, a phenomenon called "violent relaxation" occurs. After interacting intensely, the thousands or even millions of bodies reach a state of relative gravitational equilibrium ...

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