
How robots could bridge the elder-care gap

Despite innovations that make it easier for seniors to keep living on their own rather than moving into special facilities, most elderly people eventually need a hand with chores and other everyday activities.

Shining a spotlight on the machinery of life

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen have developed a technique for directly observing how enzymes and other biomolecules go about their work, with potentially significant medical ...

Why consumers make bad financial decisions, and how to help

In an ideal world, consumers are making investment and monetary decisions based on facts and thorough research of the markets, careful analysis and guidance from seasoned financial experts. This is not always the case.

Oil and water may mix under extreme pressure

They say that oil and water do not mix … but now scientists have discovered that – under certain circumstances – it may be possible.

Tides stabilize deltas until humans interfere

Human interference in river deltas is massive. And despite global concerns about river delta degradation, human activity in the world's largest deltas still intensifies. The extraction of natural resources, sediment retention ...

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