
Molecular architects—how scientists design new materials

When Thomas Edison wanted a filament for his light bulb, he scoured the globe collecting thousands of candidates before settling on bamboo. (It was years before people were able to make tungsten work properly.) That's our ...

A new Diels-Alder reaction

(Phys.org)—The Diels-Alder reaction is a mainstay in organic chemistry. The reaction traditionally involves a diene and a dienophile. The diene has four carbons that are sp2 hybridized to form pi bonds. The dienophile has ...

Young star V1331 Cygni unveils its violent past

(Phys.org)—V1331 Cygni is a young variable star that lies in the constellation Cygnus, approximately 1,800 light years away from our planet. The star is known to have a circumstellar disk surrounded by a flattened gaseous ...

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