
Locating and leveraging inside sources of consumer insight

Most people do not really know why they buy what they buy, eat what they eat, or do what they do! As consumers we can make something up or answer a survey, but we don't know buying trends and behaviors as well as those directly ...

Slow worms react quickly to climate change

Evolution can go quickly when it has to - at least for small organisms. Researchers exposed a natural setting in Denmark to artificial climate change and discovered that soil just half a degree warmer caused the genome of ...

The cost of blackouts in Europe

Assessing the social and economic impact of power outages caused by extreme weather helps decision makers and grid operators in Europe take adequate measures to ensure future power supply

Facial expression recognition to improve learning, gaming

A computer algorithm that can tell whether you are happy or sad, angry or expressing almost any other emotion would be a boon to the games industry. New research published in the International Journal of Computational Vision ...

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