
The pointy-nosed blue chimaera has a huge geographic range

The deep sea is the largest contiguous habitat on the earth, covering two thirds of the earth's surface and averaging over 3.5 kilometers deep. Because most deep-ocean waters are connected, many species of deep-sea animals ...

PANIC lander to revolutionize asteroid research

A US-German team of researchers has proposed developing a micro-scale, low-cost surface lander for the in situ characterization of an asteroid. The tiny spacecraft, called the Pico Autonomous Near-Earth Asteroid In Situ Characterizer ...

How bacteria survive antibiotic treatment

Scientists around the world are working hard to win the battle against multi-resistant bacteria. A new publication from the BASP Centre, University of Copenhagen, now suggests even sensitive bacteria manage to survive antibiotic ...

An ancient mechanism helps a cell to resist stress

Biologists from the Lomonosov Moscow State University in collaboration with colleagues from the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, used RNA transfection and in vitro techniques to show ...

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