
Dust Bowl would devastate today's crops, study finds

A drought on the scale of the legendary Dust Bowl crisis of the 1930s would have similarly destructive effects on U.S. agriculture today, despite technological and agricultural advances, a new study finds. Additionally, warming ...

Supertasters a super opportunity for advertisers

For food and beverage advertisers, understanding consumer taste preferences is critical. New research is shedding more light on what drives the preferences of one group, known as supertasters. This research may allow advertisers ...

New technology could help track firefighters for safety

In 1999, six career firefighters lost their lives responding to a five-alarm fire. They were part of a group of 73 dispatched to a smoke-filled warehouse in Worcester, Massachusetts. Lost inside the building's tight corners, ...

Economists report surging income inequality in United States

Economic growth for those in the bottom half of the income distribution in the United States has stalled since the 1970s, but it's going gangbusters for those on the upper rungs, according to new research.

Researchers trace neural activity by using quantum sensors

It's one of the purest and most versatile materials in the world, with uses in everything from jewelry to industrial abrasives to quantum science. But a group of Harvard scientists has uncovered a new use for diamonds: tracking ...

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