
RIP Jeremy the lefty garden snail

A 'one in a million' mutant garden snail, who achieved international notoriety after a public appeal was launched to help find him a mate, has died.

Image: High winds, hot weather continue to fan California fires

Wispy cirrus clouds obscure some of the fire and smoke from the wildfires that have consumed large portions of northern California around the wine country in this latest NASA satellite image. The acreage that the most dominant ...

The Atlantic sturgeon's sojourn

Atlantic sturgeon that summer in Maine's Penobscot River estuary can be found in the fall and winter in waters as far away as Nova Scotia and New York City, according to a seven-year University of Maine study of the fish ...

Image: Dream Chaser at dawn

Dawn brings the sight of Dream Chaser, Sierra Nevada Corporation's reusable spacecraft, as it sits on the runway at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC).

Research explores kinless population of older adults in the U.S.

Older adults rely on family for companionship and help with all sorts of tasks as they confront the frailties of old age. But what about older adults who have no living family members? One Penn State researcher is exploring ...

Tracing subglacial water storage

Glaciers are essential to both human and animal health. In fact, 70 percent of the world's population consumes water that has some glacial input. It's important to understand how these icy giants operate, because they impact ...

Video: Towards zero hunger worldwide

When UNSW's Jes Sammut helped to start a fish farming research project in the remote PNG highlands, the hope was to improve the nutrition of the locals.

Image: Asteroid Luca

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano has been on Earth since his mission to the International Space Station in 2013, but "Lucaparmitano" is now back in space thanks to an Italian astronomer.

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