
Augmented tongue ultrasound for speech therapy

A team of researchers in the GIPSA-Lab (CNRS/Université Grenoble Alpes/Grenoble INP) and at INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes has developed a system that can display the movements of tongues in real time. Captured using an ultrasound ...

Structural decomposition of decadal climate prediction errors

Climatologists and statisticians of Ca' Foscari University of Venice have elaborated a method to accurately estimate systematic errors affecting decadal climate predictions. The proposed method promises great progress toward ...

Thunderstorm activity is highest at foot of the Zugspitze

Those who are afraid of thunderstorms should move to Kiel, whereas those who do not feel threatened by thunder and lightning should settle in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, because average thunderstorm activity is lowest in the ...

Research on Gomphotherium

For a long time, gomphotheres are considered to be the key link in proboscidean evolution. They are deemed as the ancestral stock of the true elephantids surviving now. The origins of stegodontids, rhynchotheres and cuvieroniines ...

Human speech, jazz and whale song

Jazz musicians riffing with each other, humans talking to each other and pods of killer whales all have interactive conversations that are remarkably similar to each other, new research reveals.

Here's why your sustainable tuna is also unsustainable

Tuna is one of the most ubiquitous seafoods. It can be eaten from a can or as high-end sashimi and in many forms in between. But some species are over-fished and some fishing methods are unsustainable. How do you know which ...

Banning oil palm blocks good practices

Palm oil is not equal to palm oil: Since plantations differ massively in environmental and social criteria, a general ban of palm oil in biofuels, as recently discussed by the European Union, would punish the wrong producers ...

Plasmons in an open box create miniature laser

Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed the first miniature laser in which the light is guided along the floor of an open metallic trench. The laser could act as a nanoscale ...

New insights from OCO-2

High-resolution satellite data from NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 are revealing the subtle ways that carbon links everything on Earth - the ocean, land, atmosphere, terrestrial ecosystems and human activities. Scientists ...

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