Planetary Sciences

Sun shoots out biggest solar flare in almost 2 decades, but Earth should be out of the way this time

The sun produced its biggest flare in nearly two decades Tuesday, just days after severe solar storms pummeled Earth and created dazzling northern lights in unaccustomed places.

Plants & Animals

Tiger beetles fight off bat attacks with ultrasonic mimicry

Bats, as the main predator of night-flying insects, create a selective pressure that has led many of their prey to evolve an early warning system of sorts: ears uniquely tuned to high-frequency bat echolocation. To date, ...

Machine learning model uncovers new drug design opportunities

Pathogens are nothing if not adaptable, and their ability to protect themselves against antibiotics increasingly poses a public health concern. A research team led by Los Alamos National Laboratory has used machine learning, ...

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Medical Xpress

Tech Xplore

Model suggests subluminal warp drives may be possible

A team of physicists from the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the Advanced Propulsion Laboratory at Applied Physics, in New York, has developed a model that shows it might be possible to create a subluminal warp drive.

Scientists develop an affordable sensor for lead contamination

Engineers at MIT, Nanytang Technological University, and several companies have developed a compact and inexpensive technology for detecting and measuring lead concentrations in water, potentially enabling a significant advance ...