Related topics: bacteria · microbes · plants · species · fungus

Understanding the cryptic role fungi play in ecosystems

When you say "fungi," most people think of mushrooms, showy fruiting bodies, but most fungi do not produce mushrooms. It is estimated that there are approximately 3 to 13 million fungal species on Earth, many of which are ...

Genome studies uncover a new branch in fungal evolution

About 600 seemingly disparate fungi that never quite found a fit along the fungal family tree have been shown to have a common ancestor, according to a University of Alberta-led research team that used genome sequencing to ...

Ambrosia beetles breed and maintain their own food fungi

Ambrosia beetles practice active agriculture: A bark beetle species breeds and cultivates food fungi in its nests and ensures that so-called weed fungi spread less. This has now been experimentally demonstrated for the first ...

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