Chip captures individual cells in minuscule gels

Researchers at the University of Twente's MIRA research institute have developed a chip that can capture and hold individual cells in the exact centre of a minuscule hydrogel droplet. Their novel method keeps cells alive ...

New culprit behind obesity's ill metabolic consequences

Obesity very often leads to insulin resistance, and now researchers reporting in the July 8 issue of Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication, have uncovered another factor behind that ill consequence. The newly discovered ...

A brain switch that helps worms keep their cool

How our bodies sense and respond to environmental changes are fundamental biological questions. In particular, understanding how organisms sense and cope with warming temperatures is key for the survival of species and it ...

Dietary restriction gives fruit flies a rhythm for a long life

Dietary restriction enhances the expression of the circadian clock genes in the peripheral tissue of fruit flies, according to research from the Kapahi lab at the Buck Institute. Publishing in Cell Metabolism, the researchers ...

How trans fats assist cell death

Tohoku University researchers in Japan have uncovered a molecular link between some trans fats and a variety of disorders, including cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Their findings, published in the journal ...

Developing an improved liposuction technique that melts fat

Although liposuction is one of the most common and well-established cosmetic surgery procedures in the U.S., it still has its drawbacks. But a new biomedical start-up says it may have found a novel way to improve the procedure ...

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