New biosensors shine a light on CRISPR gene editing

Detecting the activity of CRISPR gene editing tools in organisms with the naked eye and an ultraviolet flashlight is now possible using technology developed at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

New tool offers ways to improve CRISPR gene-editing method

The ability to edit the genome by altering the DNA sequence inside a living cell is powerful for research and holds enormous promise for the treatment of diseases. However, existing genome editing technologies frequently ...

Research advances emerging DNA sequencing technology

Nanopore technology shows promise for making it possible to develop small, portable, inexpensive devices that can sequence DNA in real time. One of the challenges, however, has been to make the technology more accurate.

DNA sleuths target ivory poachers

Professor Adrian Linacre at Flinders University is part of a team that focuses on developing forensic DNA technology to thwart a thriving global black market in exotic animals—and the significance of this new test working ...

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