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Study identifies new mechanisms driving genomic instability

A recent Northwestern Medicine study published in the Journal of Cell Biology has identified new mechanisms that cause genomic or chromosomal instability during cell division, findings that may improve the development of ...

A not-so-selfish 'genetic parasite' helps to preserve fertility

Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences are essential parts of many species' genomes. The highly repetitive nature of these DNA sequences makes them susceptible to shrinkage over time—and if they shrink too much, cells die. If rDNA ...

Yeast screen uncovers genes involved in chromosomal mutation

When creating a computer program, errors in the code can introduce bugs to the software. Similarly, errors in our body's genetic code, DNA, which is stored in structures known as chromosomes, can bring about mutations in ...

To split in two, stem cells harness the power of wrinkles

What seems like a straightforward task for a cell—dividing in two—is actually an intricate series of engineering puzzles. A dividing cell needs to maneuver its insides so that the right components will end up in each ...

Behind the formation and protection of microtubules

Cellular life hinges on a network of hollow cables called microtubules dynamically lengthening and shortening according to the needs of the moment. During cell division, for instance, these cables latch onto chromosomes and ...

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