Biological lasso: Enhanced drug delivery to brain

In a study recently published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering, researchers from Kanazawa University use a method called "lasso-grafting" to design therapeutics with enhanced longevity and brain penetration.

Elucidation of proteins controlling the sleep and awake transition

Professor Hiroki Ueda, Assistant Professor Daisuke Tone, Lecturer Koji Ode, and Qianhui Zhang (4th-year graduate student at the time) at the University of Tokyo showed that CaMKIIβ, a predominant protein kinase expressed ...

Making lab-grown brain organoids 'brainier'

By using stem cells to grow miniature brain-like organs in the lab, scientists have opened a new avenue for studies of neurological development, disease and therapies that can't be conducted in living people. But not all ...

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