Researchers stimulate blood vessel formation with sugar

Academics from the University of Sheffield and COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan have discovered that sugar can, in fact, be good for you following breakthrough research.

Mummies' tummies to reveal digestive evolution

Mummified bodies from Egypt and the Canary Islands are having their digestive tracts tested and compared to living people in order to reveal how the bacteria in our guts has changed over the centuries and how it varies between ...

Biosensor for heavy metals

A team of Empa scientists has developed a biosensor which allows them to detect elevated concentrations of copper in a simple, quick and economic way. Copper, like other heavy metals is problematic in high concentrations, ...

Sugar sponges sop up and release glucose as needed

Many diabetes patients must inject themselves with insulin, sometimes several times a day, while others take medications orally to control blood sugar. The injections, as well as the side effects from both regimens, can be ...

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