Invading crabs could threaten life in the Antarctic
Life on the Antarctic sea floor is under threat from crabs that could invade the area thanks to favorable conditions as a result of global warming, researchers warn.
In a Journal of Biogeography editorial, experts say invasive species degrade marine ecosystems by preying on or outcompeting local species. Early signs of biological invasion are already apparent.
"Biological invasion is a major worry in the Arctic," said lead author Dr. Richard Aronson, "but we should be just as concerned about the Antarctic." Assessing the extent of the problem requires long-term monitoring programs.
More information: Aronson, R. B., Frederich, M., Price, R., Thatje, S. (2014), Prospects for the return of shell-crushing crabs to Antarctica. Journal of Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12414
Journal information: Journal of Biogeography
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