Finding the key to immunity, ESA way

Finding the key to immunity
The portable glovebox was used on the International Space Station to perform experiments in a closed environment. This allowed astronauts to work with samples that could endanger the crew if released into the spacecraft’s atmosphere.

Living in space weakens astronauts' immune systems, researchers have discovered. The findings are providing clues on how to tackle diseases on Earth before symptoms appear.

Ever since the first humans ventured into space we have known that astronauts can suffer from common infections that would be quickly dealt with by healthy people on Earth. Until now, it was not clear what was blocking astronauts' immune systems from working normally.  

In 2006, ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter performed an experiment on the International Space Station using ESA's Kubik space incubator. A batch of was allowed to float in while another was held in a to simulate gravity. The cells were preserved for analysis back on Earth.

The cells that experienced simulated gravity as if on Earth were found to be in good health compared to their weightless equivalents.

On the right path

By comparing the samples, investigators saw what was stopping the immune cells from working properly. A specific transmitter in the immune cells, called the Rel/NF-κB pathway, stops working in .

Finding the key to immunity
Kubik contains a small centrifuge to simulate Earth-like gravity. In addition, samples placed in Kubik can be kept at controlled temperatures, allowing the box to act as an incubator. Kubik can be configured to perform different experiments on the International Space Station. Credit: ESA–J. Hatton

"Normally, when our bodies sense an invasion, a cascade of reactions occur that are controlled by the information held in our genes, similar to an instruction book," explains Isabelle Walther, an investigator based in Zurich, Switzerland.

"Finding which gene does what is like looking for the right key to fit a keyhole, without having found the keyhole yet."

Studying cells that have flown on the is putting researchers on the right path to finding the key to how our works. Comparing samples is showing them where to look to find which genes instruct our immune cells to react to diseases, and how.

Thomas Reiter performing the experiment. Credit: ESA

Controlling disease at the source

"We are working towards a finer control of disease," says Millie Hughes-Fulford, astronaut and a investigator on this experiment.

This research could help to tackle two types of disease. Stopping genes that activate our immune system would help to relieve people suffering from autoimmune diseases such as arthritis. The pharmaceutical industry could find the genes that need be active to fight specific illnesses and market tailored antibodies.

"In the future we could target the raindrops before they have a chance to cascade into waterfalls. We live in exciting times."

Thomas Reiter, who is now director of ESA's Human Spaceflight and Operations, says: "All do their best to perform experiments for researchers on the ground. I am very pleased that the experiment I performed over five years ago is revealing such interesting results."

Citation: Finding the key to immunity, ESA way (2013, February 5) retrieved 20 September 2024 from
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