TomTom GPS turn-by-turn app for iPhone now available for $99

iPhone 3G S

Yeah, this is one of the big reasons why I opted for the Pre, which comes with free turn-by-turn GPS.

Gloating done, here's the skinny on the new 3G and 3G S app:

"TomTom app for iPhone includes the exclusive IQ Routes technology. Instead of using travel time assumptions, IQ Routes bases its routes on the actual experience of millions of TomTom drivers to calculate the fastest and generate the most accurate arrival times in the industry. TomTom IQ Routes empowers drivers to reach their destination faster up to 35 percent of the time.

"Furthermore, the TomTom app for iPhone comes with an extensive safety camera database including verified safety camera information in 11 European countries. This means are informed ahead of time about any safety cameras on their route, encouraging road safety, while saving money on fines at the same time."

TomTom also says and the original iPhone compatibility is "coming soon."

What I believe that means is that you'll be able to buy a special dock for your car that actually has a built in GPS chip and which connects to your iPod Touch or original iPhone, since neither the Touch nor the original iPhone has an internal GPS chip.

So on top of the $99 for the app, you'll have to pay an additional fee for the dock (I'd guess another $99 at least, but that's just a guess).

Have I mentioned that GPS navigation on the Pre is free? OK, I'll stop now.


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Citation: TomTom GPS turn-by-turn app for iPhone now available for $99 (2009, August 19) retrieved 20 September 2024 from
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