Panasonic Unveils 3D 1080p Plasma HDTV On Single Blu-Ray Disc At CEATEC Japan 2008

Panasonic 100-Inch Plasma TV
Via By: Mary Anne Simpson

Panasonic unveiled the latest technology in 3D 1080p on a 100-inch plasma HDTV. According to Panasonic, the 3D innovation was demonstrated at CEATEC Japan 2008 using a Panasonic 100-inch plasma and a Blu-Ray player to deliver full 1080p HD video with separate views to each eye. The infinitesimal differences between the two video streams create the 3D effect in the brain.  The Panasonic difference is the ability to create a sustained full high-definition experience.  Viewers will need polarized glasses to get the full effect. The old multi-color 3D card board goggles are not necessary which is a good thing. 

According to Digital World Tokyo and, a reliable Panasonic source said, "Previous consumer 3D display systems have encountered many different problems, including reduced vertical resolution caused by a 3D display method that divides the scanning lines between the left and the right eyes, and picture quality degradation caused by pixel skipping."  Panasonic has the distinct advantage in this area by putting all of the 3D hoopla on a single Blu-Ray disc. 

According to Ben Williams of, who witnessed the Panasonic demonstration at CEATEC 2008, "As the demonstration progressed, it was clear that the crowd was witnessing a fully-realized technology and not some one-off publicity stunt." The demonstration included footage of a team of BMX bikers performing free-style routines. Mr. Williams states, " I was immediately floored  by the depth and realism of the images."  The BMX footage was followed with the Disney movie "Meet the Robinsons" and the blockbuster demonstration of the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. 

Mr. Williams admits prior to this demonstration he was not a big fan of 3D presentations from the old and outdated systems using colored lenses.  The difference according to Mr. Williams in the Panasonic technology is the depth of the image.  Some of the special effects and gimmickry are still present like placing objects in the foreground to make it appear they are floating, but the plasma screen itself appears to be "several hundred yards deep."  He states the experience was mesmerizing. 

After the demonstration Mr. Williams spoke with the Panasonic representative who indicated that the new technology probably would require an investment in new hardware. At the same time he did not rule out that technology that is evolving may allow existing displays and Blu-Ray players to be adapted to the technology. In an additional note, Disney has announced that all future animated film from Disney Animation and Pixar will be exhibited theatrically in 3D.

The 21st century may be remembered at the beginning of total immersion in film and cinematic expression. Blu-Ray 3D 1080p may be only the beginning of something truly spectacular in visual and audio entertainment for commercial home theater audiences. 

Citation: Panasonic Unveils 3D 1080p Plasma HDTV On Single Blu-Ray Disc At CEATEC Japan 2008 (2008, October 10) retrieved 18 September 2024 from
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