Gender, personality influence use of interactive tools online

People's personality—such as how extroverted or introverted they are—and their gender can be linked to how they interact online, and whether they prefer interacting with a system rather than with other people.

Sharing images of romantic gifts on social media

Valentine's Day brings images of flowers, chocolates and gifts in all shapes and sizes from the ones we love. And today's social norms encourage many of us to share our happiness (and images of our gifts) on social media. ...

Apps help integration and health of migrants

A new study has found that mobile apps can play a vital role in helping immigrants integrate into new cultures, as well as provide physical and mental health benefits.

Instagram's virtual features have real relationship benefits

Young adults say that Instagram helps them develop friendships in real life, especially those who are more hesitant to try new experiences, according to a recent study by Washington State University researchers.

Increasing skepticism against robots

In Europe, people are more reserved regarding robots than they were five years ago. This is shown in a new study published by scientists from Linz and Würzburg.

Study: Social media sways exercise motivation

It's January – a time when students are looking for that extra bit of oomph. For some, time spent on social media might provide the necessary inspiration to get up and exercising – but that time can come with consequences, ...

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