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New energy source powers subsea robots indefinitely

When it comes to mapping new territory, NASA's record swamps Lewis and Clark's. And the space agency doesn't only chart other stars and planets—a vantage point from space also allows a great view of Earth. Now a recent ...

Predictive physics model helps robots grasp the unpredictable

When robots come across unfamiliar objects, they struggle to account for a simple truth: Appearances aren't everything. They may attempt to grasp a block, only to find out it's a literal piece of cake. The misleading appearance ...

Integrating actuation and sensing for smarter soft robots

The world of robotics is witnessing a transformative shift with the rise of soft robotics, which offers unparalleled flexibility and adaptability in various applications, from medical interventions to intricate rescue operations.

Researchers introduce the hybrid-driven origami gripper

In an advance for robotics technology, researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University have unveiled a novel hybrid-driven origami gripper, designed to tackle the challenge of grasping and manipulating objects with unprecedented ...

Designing environments that are robot-inclusive

Humans and robots are increasingly interacting within built environments such as cities, buildings, walkways, and parks. Offering adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and scalability, robots are gradually being integrated into ...

More news

Using contact microphones as tactile sensors for robot manipulation
Innovative bird eye–inspired camera developed for enhanced object detection
AI is cracking a hard problem—giving computers a sense of smell
Third Thumb: People have no difficulty getting to grips with an extra thumb, study finds
An approach to enable both locomotion and manipulation in a snake-inspired robot
3D printing robot uses AI machine learning to create a shock-absorbing shape no human ever could
New robotic palm uses sophisticated tactile sensors to mimic human touch
Robot-phobia could exasperate hotel, restaurant labor shortage
Scientists develop a soft robot that mimics a spider's leg
New compound eye design could provide inexpensive way to give robots insect-like vision
To optimize guide-dog robots, first listen to the visually impaired
Artificial tactile system study: Robots' sense of touch could be as fast as humans
Animal-brain-inspired AI game changer for autonomous robots
Biohybrid robotic hand may help unravel complex sensation of touch
New snail-inspired robot can climb walls
Swiss nursery lets robot do the talking
Cat collaboration demonstrates what it takes to trust robots
Manipulation technology makes home-helper robot possible
A better way to control shape-shifting soft robots
Robotic system feeds people with severe mobility limitations

Other news

Plasma Physics
How does light interact with matter at extreme intensities, near the Schwinger limit?
Paleontology & Fossils
Siberia's 'mammoth graveyard' reveals 800-year human interactions with woolly beasts
Astronomers observe giant outburst of a distant X-ray binary
Astrophysicists calculate the likelihood that Earth was exposed to cold harsh interstellar clouds 2 million years ago
Webb opens new window on supernova science
General Physics
New study reveals brain's fractal-like structure near phase transition, a finding that may be universal across species
Lone star state: Tracking a low-mass star as it speeds across the Milky Way
Analytical Chemistry
Splitting hairs: Research team applies science of biomechanics to understand our bad hair days
Textured tiles help endangered eels overcome human-made river obstacles, study shows
General Physics
New insights on the role of nucleon exchange in nuclear fusion
Optics & Photonics
'Quantum optical antennas' provide more powerful measurements on the atomic level
Fine-tuning leaf angle with CRISPR improves sugarcane yield
Optics & Photonics
Novel quantum sensor breaks limits of optical measurement using entanglement
Webb Telescope reveals asteroid collision in neighboring star system
Planetary Sciences
Small, cool and sulfurous exoplanet may help write recipe for planetary formation
Plants & Animals
Study finds juvenile dolphins who play together are more successful as adults
Wire-cut forensic examinations currently too unreliable for court, new study says
Rapid approach to creating cyclic peptide opens the way for new antibiotics
Economics & Business
Study reveals complex dynamics of philanthropic funding for US science
Compressed titanium and sulfur nanoribbons can transmit electricity without energy loss, scientists find

Why can't robots outrun animals?

Robotics engineers have worked for decades and invested many millions of research dollars in attempts to create a robot that can walk or run as well as an animal. And yet, it remains the case that many animals are capable ...

Virtual sensors help aerial vehicles stay aloft when rotors fail

No crystal ball is needed to envision a future that engineers have in mind, one in which air taxis and other flying vehicles ferry passengers between urban locations, avoiding the growing gridlock on the ground below. Companies ...

People, not design features, make a robot social

It takes a village to nurture social robots. Researchers who develop social robots—ones that people interact with—focus too much on design features and not enough on sociological factors, like human-to-human interactions, ...

Octopus inspires new suction mechanism for robots

A new robotic suction cup that can grasp rough, curved and heavy stone, has been developed by scientists at the University of Bristol. The team, based at Bristol Robotics Laboratory, studied the structures of octopus biological ...

How 3D printers can give robots a soft touch

Soft skin coverings and touch sensors have emerged as a promising feature for robots that are both safer and more intuitive for human interaction, but they are expensive and difficult to make. A recent study demonstrates ...