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Aurora borealis can light up the sky and shut down the grid

During a thunderstorm, you can feel rain pouring, see lightning flashing and hear wind howling. Unlike these phenomena, the Aurora Borealis cannot be heard or felt because it occurs through the earth's magnetic field's invisible ...

Double-helical design boosts concrete crack resistance

Taking inspiration from nature, researchers from Princeton Engineering have improved crack resistance in concrete components by coupling architected designs with additive manufacturing processes and industrial robots that ...

Developing underwater robots to venture deep below polar ice

On a remote patch of the windy, frozen Beaufort Sea north of Alaska, engineers from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California huddled together, peering down a narrow hole in a thick layer of sea ice. Below them, ...

More news

Researchers develop a new humanoid platform for robotics research
Biohybrid robots controlled by electrical impulses in mushrooms
Thermochromic material could make indoor temperature control more energy-efficient
New manufacturing processes allow adhesive-free joining of wood and metal
New two-finger robotic hand tackles everyday manipulation tasks in real-world experiments
Researchers test stability of 3D-printed super alloy under extremes
New air-based refrigeration system developed to replace harmful refrigerants
Engineers develop AI system for real-time sensing of flooded roads
Insights from satellite data pave the way to better solar power generation
NASA develops pod to help autonomous aircraft operators
Metal baseball bats still help Little Leaguers hit a little better
Synchronized foot vibrations improve virtual walking experiences, study shows
Resin made from biomass advances method for manufacturing recyclable wind turbine blades
Sprayable gels could protect buildings during wildfires
Researchers unleash machine learning in designing advanced lattice structures
Self-improving AI method increases 3D-printing efficiency
Improving workplace safety: The Bilateral Back Extensor Exosuit
Designing the ideal soft gripper for diverse functionalities
New technology extracts lithium from brines inexpensively and sustainably
Engineers develop AI sensor based on dung beetle navigation

Other news

Social Sciences
Privileged parents who believe in economic upward mobility are more likely to hoard resources: Study
Cell & Microbiology
Brazilian researchers discover key gene regulating virulence of fungus that causes severe lung infections
Molecular 'cage' approach could advance selective elimination of cancer cells
Agriculture accelerated human genome evolution to capture energy from starchy foods, study suggests
Genomic analyses of prairie chickens cast doubt on species classifications
Webb reveals distorted galaxy forming cosmic question mark
Plants & Animals
At-risk butterflies more likely to survive with human help
Planetary Sciences
Expert explains evidence for planetary formation through gravitational instability
General Physics
Major leap for nuclear clock paves way for ultraprecise timekeeping
Levels of one 'forever chemical' are increasing in groundwater, study finds
Plants & Animals
Birds are shifting more in time than space as they adjust to global warming, shows study
Novel software tool enables quality control independent of omics molecular types and can be used on multiple platforms
Paleontology & Fossils
A tiny relative of the Triceratops: International team discovers a new horned dinosaur
Plants & Animals
Experiment shows dogs are able to remember toy names for up to two years
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists discover stable intermediate of serotonin receptor
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists use AI to unlock protein structures of hundreds of viruses for the first time
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists uncover diverse marine microbes with potential for new antibiotics and plastic breakdown
Uncollected waste and open burning major sources of plastic pollution, global study finds
Experimental evolution study shows how microbial cooperation can emerge
Plasma Physics
Measuring the gamma-ray-to-neutron branching ratio in the deuterium-tritium reaction

Exploring how to build better extraterrestrial robots

Running on the beach versus a paved road can change an athlete's stride, speed and stability. Alter the force of gravity, and that runner may break their personal record or sink into the ground. Researchers have to consider ...