Related topics: genes · embryos

Discovery of the neural circuit for fear conditioning of fish

Animals are often noted sensing signs of danger and reacting. A simple form of this phenomenon is called fear conditioning, which is a type of learning commonly seen in every animal. By manipulating the activity of specific ...

Science: Farming for answers to human diseases in the fish farm

Aquariums are arranged in neat, illuminated rows. Fins, tails and flashing stripes are visible in every direction. On the Mayo Clinic campus in Rochester, Minnesota, zebrafish act as research stand-ins for us. They are tiny ...

The robots will see you now

For more than a decade, biomimetic robots have been deployed alongside live animals to better understand the drivers of animal behavior, including social cues, fear, leadership, and even courtship. The encounters have always ...

Fish use deafness gene to sense water motion

Fish sense water motion the same way humans sense sound, according to new research out of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Researchers discovered a gene also found in humans helps zebrafish convert water ...

A robotic spy among the fish

A new miniature robot developed by EPFL researchers can swim with fish, learn how they communicate with each other and make them change direction or come together. These capabilities have been proven on schools of zebrafish.

Neuroscientists explore the risky business of self-preservation

A critical survival decision for all animals is when, where and how to escape from a looming threat. A Northwestern University research team using multi-neuron imaging has learned that the escape response for prey is more ...

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