Related topics: genes · embryos

Silver nanoparticles toxic for aquatic organisms

Silver nanoparticles are increasingly being used in consumer products, such as clothing and personal care products, in the medical and pharmaceutical industry, and in the food industry. That is why their presence is expected ...

How the zebrafish got its stripes

Stripes are common in our lives. It's a pretty basic pattern, and easy to take for granted.

Machine learning algorithm automatically sorts zebrafish eggs

Zebrafish possess almost all of the same genes we humans do—and that makes their eggs the perfect model organisms for use in genetic and drug research. Previously, samples have had to be prepared manually, which is a very ...

Shining new light on the pineal gland

When zebrafish lack a specific protein, the two hemispheres of the brain develop symmetrically, and the sleep hormone melatonin is not produced. These results were recently published by Freiburg biologists Theresa Schredelseker ...

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