Related topics: cells · blood vessels

Wound healing: 'See-saw' switch sends cells on the march

Many genes are transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules that provide instructions for protein synthesis. Other genes encode regulatory RNAs known as 'microRNAs', which can block protein translation by binding to specific ...

Ailing pets getting hyperbaric chamber treatment

(AP)—Hyperbaric chambers have been used for decades to treat divers with the bends, burn victims and people with traumatic injuries, but in the U.S. they're increasingly being used on ailing pets.

The salamander king

When assis­tant pro­fessor of biology James Mon­aghan was an under­grad­uate, he hung a life-​​size inflat­able Spi­derman from the ceiling of his dorm room. The plastic incar­na­tion of the super­hero fol­lowed ...

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