Self-confidence the secret to workplace advancement

(—The old saying "fake it until you make it" might actually be sound professional advice, with new University of Melbourne research finding self-confidence is a key determinant of workplace success.

Amazon looks to get Kindle to schools, workers

(AP)— Inc. has launched a service to help schools and workplaces manage Kindles used by students and employees—sending out e-books or blocking certain types of activities, for example.

Danes frequently confronted by religion: study

Ramadan dinners in the Danish Parliament, staff parties without either pork or alcohol and prayer rooms at the airport are all examples of how religion is becoming more visible in public spaces.

Study finds link between women in power, sexual harassment

Women who break the glass ceiling of professional advancement also face increased incidence of sexual harassment from coworkers and subordinates, according to new research by sociologists at the University of Maine and University ...

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