Building a better trash can

What does it take to create a trash can? Ask Theron Klos. He's Berkeley's central-campus grounds manager, the guy beaming like a proud parent as dozens of large, hexagon-shaped black receptacles – with color-coded and distinctly ...

Accidents waiting to happen: Insider knowledge

Workplace accidents must be treated like any other source of knowledge if companies and their employees are to learn from such incidents and prevent future accidents from occurring. That is the take home message from research ...

Creating new skills and jobs for Europe

Around 77 million European citizens aged between 25 and 64 have no - or low - formal qualifications, stresses a new report published by the European Commission. This is nearly one third of Europe's population. Unemployment ...

Study shows the reality for 'vital' Christchurch quake responders

Front-line rescue workers in Christchurch put their own needs and those of their families to one side to play a vital role during the Christchurch earthquakes and aftershocks, early results from a study into the occupational ...

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