How to deliver drinking water chlorine-free

Chlorinated tap water is the norm around the world, but the experiences of several European countries is that it doesn't have to be. The benefits of foregoing chlorine include better-tasting and, potentially, healthier water.

Math detects contamination in water distribution networks

None of us want to experience events like the Camelford water pollution incident in Cornwall, England, in the late eighties, or more recently, the Crestwood, Illinois, water contamination episode in 2009 where accidental ...

Wicked problems and how to solve them

Wicked problems are issues so complex and dependent on so many factors that it is hard to grasp what exactly the problem is, or how to tackle it. Wicked problems are like a tangled mess of thread – it's difficult to know ...

New measurement method for replacement of gas and water network

Twente PhD researcher Emiel Drenth has developed a method to determine the remaining service life of gas and water pipes. His method, which is known as micro hardness indentation, can be used on pipes made of rigid PVC (uPVC). ...