Related topics: volcano

Terra Satellite Helps Measure Iceland Volcanic Plume

( -- NASA's Terra satellite flew directly over Iceland on April 19, 2010, allowing its Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument to capture a series of images of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano and ...

Alaska volcano quiets down after making ashy mess

(AP) -- Alaska's Mount Redoubt has simmered down after spreading a coating of gritty volcanic ash over scores of communities that include the state's largest city of Anchorage.

Communities flee eruption at Guatemala's Volcano of Fire

About 4,000 residents fled Guatemala's Volcano of Fire Monday as red-hot rock and ash spewed into the sky and cascaded down the slopes toward an area devastated by a deadly eruption earlier this year.

Flights grounded as ash cloud reaches Britain

Airlines halted dozens of flights on Tuesday after a plume of ash from an erupting volcano in Iceland blew over Britain, even forcing US President Barack Obama to revise his travel plans.

Conflicting policies on flying under ash confuse

(AP) -- If you had hoped to fly Qantas between Australia and New Zealand, you were out of luck. The national carrier grounded planes after a plume of ash from a Chilean volcano moved over the southern Pacific.

Mexico volcano spews ash on towns

Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano spewed a new column of ash late Tuesday, with some of the material falling on three towns while glowing rocks landed on the towering mountain's slope.

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