Squid tissues and chemistry combine for versatile hydrogels

Researchers at Hokkaido University in Japan have combined natural squid tissues with synthetic polymers to develop a strong and versatile hydrogel that mimics many of the unique properties of biological tissues. Hydrogels ...

Super-quick COVID test uses new technology

Sticking swabs up our noses and down our throats to confirm or deny whether we are infected with the coronavirus—almost all of us have done it multiple times in the last couple of years.

Monometallic endohedral azafullerene synthesized for first time

Recently, a research team led by Prof. Yang Shangfeng from the University of Sciences and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) synthesized La@C81N, a type of monometallic endohedral azafullerene ...

Study investigates a rare Type Icn supernova

An international team of astronomers has conducted optical and near-infrared observations of a rare Type Icn supernova known as SN 2022ann. The results of the study, published November 9 on the preprint server arXiv, shed ...

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