A quantum of solid: A glass nanoparticle in the quantum regime

Researchers in Austria have used lasers to levitate and cool a glass nanoparticle into the quantum regime. Although it is trapped in a room-temperature environment, the particle's motion is solely governed by the laws of ...

Adding memory to pressure-sensitive phosphors

Mechanoluminescence (ML) is a type of luminescence induced by any mechanical action on a solid, leading to a range of applications in materials research, photonics and optics. For instance, the mechanical action can release ...

Scientists bolt down the defenses against ambrosia beetles

Exotic ambrosia beetles are costly pests of ornamental and fruit trees nationwide—from front-yard plantings of Japanese maple and oak to commercially grown orchards of cherry, peach, plum and even avocado.

Research sheds light on the moon's dark craters

The next wave of robots to fly to Mars in 2020 could offer scientists an unprecedented understanding of Earth's closest neighboring planet. But there are still mysteries to be solved much closer to home, on Earth's own moon.

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