Risk aversion as a survival strategy in ants

Ants are excellent navigators and always find their way back to the nest. But how do they react when an obstacle or a predator blocks their path?

Method analyzes pollen fast, cheaply and automatically

Pollen: essential for the pollination of many plants, but the bane of allergy sufferers. Pollen warning services provide information about daily exposure and allergy risk and are an important source of information for affected ...

Aerial insect trap network describes life in the skies

Like most invasive species, when the soybean aphid arrived in the Midwest in 2000, it brought none of its natural enemies along for the ride. So, naturally, finding itself in the soybean capital of the world, the tiny insect ...

Mystery monkey: Rare red colobus caught on camera in South Sudan

Oustalet's or Semliki? That is the question. It may not be on everyone's lips, but it's uppermost in the minds of conservationists after a rare red colobus monkey triggered a camera trap several hundred miles outside its ...

Central European pests are migrating northward

The nun moth was only a rare inhabitant in Finland only 20 years ago. As a winner of climate change, its population growth has been rapid—as confirmed by pheromone trappings in summer 2019.

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