Bad roads reduce trade volumes by 18%

Economists from HSE University and the Vienna University of Economics and Business have figured out why, with all else being equal, trading goods across borders can be more expensive than trading the same goods within state ...

Thaw of permafrost has vast impact on built environment

Permafrost has a central role in the sustainable development of the Arctic region. The thaw of permafrost is set to damage buildings and roads, leading to tens of billions of euros in additional costs in the near future, ...

New material could be the answer to infrastructure woes

In the early 1990s, Victor Li, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Michigan, developed Engineered Cementitious Composites, also known as ductile or bendable concrete. More than 20 years ...

Study shows cities with more transportation options most resilient

Researchers at the University of Colorado Denver studying how the region would react to a sudden spike in gas prices, found those living closest to their work, in areas with more compact street networks and better multi-modal ...

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