NREL connects EVs and grid integration

Engineers working at the Vehicle Testing and Integration Facility (VTIF) enjoy a stunning view of the Denver skyline. However, some days the view includes Denver's 'brown cloud'—air pollution caused in part by vehicle emissions. ...

Traffic technology for a cooperative commute?

( -- Could chatty cars spearhead a peaceful revolution and traffic communications act as force to unite commuters instead of a curse to enrage them? Thanks to new 'intelligent traffic' technology developed by ...

Strategies for improved collection of national travel data

Good travel data are essential to measure and monitor the performance of the U.S. transportation system and to help guide policy choices and investments in transportation infrastructure, says a new report from the National ...

Five workplace trends will shape life after lockdown

We are experiencing the biggest remote work experiment in history—but many are beginning to imagine life after lockdown. Amid unprecedented global job losses, concerns about transport infrastructure and the continuing need ...

Research finds dramatic increase in flooding on coastal roads

High tide floods, or so-called "nuisance flooding," that happen along shore roadways during seasonal high tides or minor wind events are occurring far more frequently than ever before. Researchers at the University of New ...

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