Scientists create a cell that precludes malignant growth

Cell therapies could help in the treatment of hereditary diseases, myocardial infarction and hundreds of other diseases. For many blood diseases, new cells can already be transplanted into human patients, and diabetes has ...

Describing growing tissues in the language of thermodynamics

A key feature of biological tissues is their inhomogeneity and their ability to grow via cell reproduction. To study this behavior, it is important to describe it using equations, which account for factors including growth ...

How living materials from algae can best capture carbon

Scientists from TU Delft have found how confined microalgal cells grow optimally in photosynthetic engineered living materials. With the use of light energy, the microalgae convert CO2 from the air into sugars, energy and ...

Researchers discover key to epithelial cell growth

Australian researchers have discovered a new way that epithelial cells, which form layers in organs like the skin and stomach, attach to one another, and how they perceive growth signals at these attachments, helping them ...

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