Related topics: stem cells · cells · scaffold · tissue · cartilage

Light and sound gauge the temperature of deep tissues

Measuring a fever is usually pretty simple: place a thermometer under a patient's tongue and get an accurate temperature reading within 30 seconds. But that simplicity does not translate when it comes to measuring the temperatures ...

Measuring stress around cells

Tissues and organs in the human body are shaped through forces generated by cells, that push and pull, to "sculpt" biological structures. Thanks to a new tool developed at McGill University, scientists will now be able to ...

New theory deepens understanding of Turing patterns in biology

A team of researchers at EMBL have expanded Alan Turing's seminal theory on how patterns are created in biological systems. This work, which was partly done at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), may answer whether nature's ...

Modified biomaterials self-assemble on temperature cues

Biomedical engineers from Duke University have demonstrated a new approach to making self-assembled biomaterials that relies on protein modifications and temperature. The hybrid approach allows researchers to control self-assembly ...

'Body on a chip' could improve drug evaluation

MIT engineers have developed new technology that could be used to evaluate new drugs and detect possible side effects before the drugs are tested in humans. Using a microfluidic platform that connects engineered tissues from ...

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