Nano coatings with many functions

Materials that simultaneously have contrasting properties—for example, they are soft on the one hand and hard on the other, with a gradual transition between the two properties—could enable completely new applications ...

Energy-harvesting plastics pass the acid test

A polymer previously used to protect solar cells may find new applications in consumer electronics, reveals a KAUST team studying thin films capable of converting thermal energy into electricity.

Ripple effects after slow-motion bubble collapse

A recent feature cover photo on Science portrayed a bubble in mid-collapse, based on a study conducted by Alexandros T. Oratis et al. The research team in mechanical engineering, mathematics and aerospace engineering at Boston ...

Worth their salt: Researchers report first case of hexagonal NaCl

Skoltech and MIPT scientists have predicted and then experimentally confirmed the existence of exotic hexagonal thin films of NaCl on a diamond surface. These films may be useful as gate dielectrics for field effect transistors ...

Ultrasonic technique discloses the identity of graphite

A group of scientists from Osaka University, in cooperation with Kaneka Corporation, evaluated the interplanar bond strength of graphene by measuring the elastic constant of graphite, demonstrating that the elastic constant ...

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