Related topics: cern

Five-dimensional black hole could 'break' general relativity

Researchers have shown how a bizarrely shaped black hole could cause Einstein's general theory of relativity, a foundation of modern physics, to break down. However, such an object could only exist in a universe with five ...

Upgrading the quantum computer

Theoretical physicists have proposed a scalable quantum computer architecture. The new model, developed by Wolfgang Lechner, Philipp Hauke and Peter Zoller, overcomes fundamental limitations of programmability in current ...

The secret life of scientific ideas

Many of the most memorable stories in the history of science revolve around the conscious realization of an idea - the "Eureka!" moment. But what triggers these moments? Is there always some serendipitous event preceding ...

Using ultrathin sheets to discover new class of wrapped shapes

Materials scientists seeking to encapsulate droplets of one fluid within another often use molecules like soap or micro- or nano-particles to do it. One distinct way of wrapping a droplet is to use a thin sheet that calls ...

Theoretical physicists design 'holy grail' of materials science

Physicists of Utrecht University and their French colleagues have theorized the 'holy grail' of material science. It's a material that should exhibit a unique combination of the exceptional electronic properties of graphene ...

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