Related topics: cern

Black holes and the dark sector explained by quantum gravity

Ask any theoretical physicist on what are the most profound mysteries in physics and you will be surprised if she mentions anything other than Quantum Gravity and the Dark Sector. Questions such as how do we reconcile GR ...

Unified theory for skyrmion-materials

Magnetic vortex structures, so-called skyrmions, could in future store and process information very efficiently. They could also be the basis for high-frequency components. For the first time, a team of physicists succeeded ...

Revealing secrets of atomic nuclei

Individual protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei turn out not to behave according to the predictions made by existing theoretical models. This surprising conclusion, reached by an international team of physicists including ...

Where are helium atoms in molecule?

Frankfurt physicists have once again contributed to resolving a disputed matter of theoretical physics. Science has long since known that, contrary to the old school of thought, helium forms molecules of two, three or even ...

Hawking's speech software goes open source for disabled

The system that helps Stephen Hawking communicate with the outside world will be made available online from January in a move that could help millions of motor neurone disease sufferers, scientists said Tuesday.

UC Santa Barbara receives $65M from Munger

A physics institute at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has received a $65 million donation—the largest single gift in the university's history.

Artificial materials are revealing how living things work

Theoretical physicists are caricatured in the popular imagination as only involved in abstruse and difficult-to-imagine topics. But some of these theoretical physicists are involved in something closer to home: using artificial ...

First direct evidence of cosmic inflation (Update)

( —Almost 14 billion years ago, the universe we inhabit burst into existence in an extraordinary event that initiated the Big Bang. In the first fleeting fraction of a second, the universe expanded exponentially, ...

Custody in recomposed families is complex network problem

Physics can provide insights into societal trends. Problems involving interactions between people linked in real-life networks can be better understood by using physical models. As a diversion from his normal duties as a ...

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