A winning combination for glycoprotein synthesis

Many processes in the body are regulated by the functions of proteins. For example, almost all molecules—such as DNA, proteins, oligosaccharides, and small bioactive molecules—are generated by enzymes. However, changes ...

Hydrochloric acid boosts catalyst activity

A research team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) led by chemist Johannes Lercher has developed a synthesis process which drastically increases the activity of catalysts for the desulfurization of crude oil. The ...

Promising new solar-powered path to hydrogen fuel production

Engineers at Lehigh University are the first to utilize a single enzyme biomineralization process to create a catalyst that uses the energy of captured sunlight to split water molecules to produce hydrogen. The synthesis ...

Scientists create single-use edible dishware made from apples

A few years ago, biotechnologists from Samara State Technical University took up the development of edible food film, which, according to scientists, could reduce the amount of waste from traditional plastic packaging. The ...

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