Related topics: nanoparticles

Making rusty polymers for energy storage

It's called a nanoflower, but if you could brush your cheek against its microscopic petals, you would find them cool, hard and … rusty.

Dispersal of fish eggs by water birds—just a myth?

How do fish end up in isolated bodies of water? For centuries, researchers have assumed that water birds transfer fish eggs into these waters—however, a systematic literature review by researchers at the University of Basel ...

Corralling xenon gas out of waste streams

From space propulsion to lighting to surgical anesthesia, the applications and needs for xenon gas are growing. And the good news is that researchers are advancing the science to more easily remove xenon from waste streams ...

Smartphones come in handy for the rare cosmic particles search

Researchers from the Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis (LAMBDA) at the Higher School of Economics have improved their method of analyzing ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) with the use of mobile phones. The ...

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