Linking superconductivity and structure

Superconductivity is a rare physical state in which matter is able to conduct electricity—maintain a flow of electrons—without any resistance. It can only be found in certain materials, and even then it can only be achieved ...

Study finds nickelate superconductors are intrinsically magnetic

Electrons find each other repulsive. Nothing personal—it's just that their negative charges repel each other. So getting them to pair up and travel together, like they do in superconducting materials, requires a little ...

Vortex pinning could lead to superconducting breakthroughs

A team of researchers from Russia, Spain, Belgium, the U.K. and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory announced findings last week that may represent a breakthrough in applications of superconductivity.

Roller coaster superconductivity discovered

Superconductors are more than 150 times more efficient at carrying electricity than copper wires. However, to attain the superconducting state, these materials have to be cooled below an extremely low, so-called transition ...

Ray of light could lead to next generation of superconductors

A superconductor, which can move electrical energy with no wasteful resistance, is the holy grail of cost-effective, efficient, and "green" power production. Unlike traditional conductors such as copper or silver, which waste ...

Magnetism relieves electrons of their resistance

( -- Physics is sometimes just like a criminal investigation. Researchers gather one piece of evidence after another in order to solve a mystery - for example, the question as to how unconventional superconductivity ...

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