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Decoding the role of CSB protein in DNA repair

Using the Summit supercomputer at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), a Georgia State University (GSU) research team has revealed the structural mechanism of the Cockayne Syndrome ...

Solving a superconducting mystery with more precise computations

Researchers have known about high-temperature superconducting copper-based materials, or cuprates, since the 1980s. Below a certain temperature (approximately -130 degree Celsius), electrical resistance vanishes from these ...

Research team finds nine new coronavirus species

A former UBC post-doctoral research fellow led an international research team in re-analyzing all public RNA sequencing data to uncover almost ten times more RNA viruses than were previously known, including several new species ...

How disorderly young galaxies grow up and mature

Using a supercomputer simulation, a research team at Lund University in Sweden has succeeded in following the development of a galaxy over a span of 13.8 billion years. The study shows how, due to interstellar frontal collisions, ...

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