Related topics: protein · amino acids

How insect wings withstand collisions without breaking

About once a second wings of foraging bees collide with small obstacles such as flowers, leaves or branches during flight without suffering major long-term damage. At the same time, they withstand aerodynamic loads effortlessly—yet ...

The molecular imaging behind COVID-19 breakthroughs

It's fair to say that before the COVID-19 pandemic, very few non-scientists could name a viral protein. But now, millions of people around the world can name the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, and a subset of those could probably ...

Detecting functional changes at the proteome level

ETH researchers have drastically improved existing proteomics techniques so they can capture all functional alterations in proteins. Their work paves the way for using these signatures as diagnostic tools.

Researchers further reveal inner workings of pathogenic bacteria

Using some of the world's most powerful microscopes, three international research teams—from Australia, the Czech Republic and a German/US/Finnish consortium—have discovered a unique molecular mechanism that allows pathogenic ...

A recipe for protein footprinting

Michael Gross, professor of chemistry in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis and of immunology and internal medicine at the School of Medicine, and his team are experts in footprinting proteins—that is, ...

Developing an AI solution to 50-year-old protein challenge

In a major scientific advance, the latest version of DeepMind's AI system AlphaFold has been recognized as a solution to the 50-year-old grand challenge of protein structure prediction, often referred to as the 'protein folding ...

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