Voyage of the DNA Treader

Richard Feynman was right: there is plenty of room at the bottom, and the beeping, lumbering trashcans of 1950s science fiction are gradually giving way to micro-droids the size of a speck of dust . . . or even a molecule.

Nanotech researchers develop artificial pore

( -- Using an RNA-powered nanomotor, University of Cincinnati (UC) biomedical engineering researchers have successfully developed an artificial pore able to transmit nanoscale material through a membrane.

DNA folds into a smart nanocapsule for drug delivery

Researchers from University of Jyväskylä and Aalto University in Finland have developed a customized DNA nanostructure that can perform a predefined task in human body-like conditions. To do so, the team built a capsule-like ...

Sculpting a conjugated polymer using DNA origami

(—New research allows scientists to sculpt polymers into two- and three-dimensional shapes, similar to how polypeptides fold into functional three-dimensional shapes. This ability is particularly advantageous for ...

DNA 'tricked' to act as nano-building blocks

( -- McGill researchers have succeeded in finding a new way to manufacture nanotubes, one of the important building blocks of the nanotechnology of the future. Their building material? Biological DNA.

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