New results from a terra-ific decade in orbit

December 18, 2009, marks the tenth year since the launch of Terra, one of NASA's "flagship" Earth observing satellites. But the decade is more than just a mechanical milestone. With each additional day and year that the satellite ...

NASA finds Herold a fading ex-tropical cyclone

Former Tropical Cyclone Herold is now a fading area of low-pressure in the Southern Indian Ocean and NASA's Aqua satellite provided forecasters with a visible image.

NASA eyes typhoon Haishen's 10 mile-wide eye

NASA's Terra satellite's visible image of Typhoon Haishen revealed a small "pinhole" eye surrounded by several hundred miles of thunderstorms spiraling around it as it continued moving north though the Northwestern Pacific ...

Tropical Storm Conson sweeping through the Northern Philippines

Tropical Storm Conson became a typhoon overnight with maximum sustained winds near 75 mph, and NASA's Aqua satellite captured an image of the storm as it was making landfall in Luzon, the Philippines. Conson is already moving ...

NASA satellites 'eyes' changes in Hurricane Katia

Major Hurricane Katia continues to approach the U.S. East coast and stir up rough surf. Meanwhile two NASA satellites have provided a look at the changes in organization and cloud patterns over the last several days.

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