Key material development for fusion energy application

In a review paper recently published in the Journal of Nuclear Materials, Prof. Haug Qunying from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with collaborators, has introduced ...

New refining technique makes cheaper superconductors a reality

Superconductors could potentially phase out bulk magnets in machinery ranging from MRIs and CT scanners to electric motors. The catch? Conventional high-temperature superconductors are made up of expensive rare earth metals ...

New metrological technique uses stress for nanotomography

Researchers from Skoltech and their colleagues in Russia and Spain have reported a proof-of-concept demonstration of a new radiation-safe method for mapping the internal structure and stress distribution in samples of materials ...

Reaction insights help make sustainable liquid fuels

Methanol, produced from carbon dioxide in the air, can be used to make carbon neutral fuels. But to do this, the mechanism by which methanol is turned into liquid hydrocarbons must be better understood so that the catalytic ...

Electric shock to petroleum coke generates sustainable graphene

Researchers at Texas A&M University and ExxonMobil are developing a method to reprocess petroleum coke—a byproduct of refining crude oil—into a sustainable, high-value alternative. Using a chemical process called electrochemical ...

A candlelight-like glow from a flexible organic LED

Giving off a comfortable glow, candles set the ambiance for a special dinner or just a quiet evening at home. However, some lighting alternatives, such as electronic candles, give off unwanted blue wavelengths that interfere ...

Blurring the boundary between Floquet matter and metamaterials

Metamaterials—artificial media with tailored subwavelength structures—have now encompassed a broad range of novel properties that are unavailable in nature. This field of research has stretched across different wave platforms, ...

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