Perovskite LEDs, a thousand times brighter than OLEDs

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have revolutionized modern lighting and sensing technology. From applications in our homes to industry, LEDs are used for all lighting applications, from indoor lighting over TV screens to biomedicine. ...

Converting solar energy into chemical energy like nature does

The need for a sustainable energy supply is now a hot topic. Companies are investing in it, and scientists around the globe are looking for alternatives to the production of energy from oil and gas. One such project, which ...

Solar cell design with over 50% energy-conversion efficiency

Solar cells convert the sun's energy into electricity by converting photons into electrons. A new solar cell design could raise the energy conversion efficiency to over 50% by absorbing the spectral components of longer wavelengths ...

Exotic spiraling electrons discovered by physicists

Rutgers and other physicists have discovered an exotic form of electrons that spin like planets and could lead to advances in lighting, solar cells, lasers and electronic displays.

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