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Forget apps, old-school mobiles ring in a comeback

They fit in a pocket, have batteries that last all week and are almost indestructible: old-school Nokias, Ericssons and Motorolas are making a comeback as consumers tired of fragile and overly-wired smartphones go retro.

Review: Nexus 7 good value, even with higher price

(AP)—When it comes to technology, we've been trained to expect more for less. Devices get more powerful each year, while prices stay the same or drop. With the new Nexus 7 tablet, Google hopes we're willing to pay more ...

An app knows if a beer has gone stale

Chemists at the Complutense University of Madrid have developed a method that allows brewers to measure the freshness of beer using a polymer sensor that changes colour upon detecting furfural, a compound that gives aged ...

Intel prepared for shifts in computing, new CEO says

Discounting critics who contend it is mired in the slowing personal-computer market, microchip giant Intel Corp. assured a gathering of industry experts Tuesday that it is well-positioned to profit from the fast-changing ...

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