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Google wants to start a conversation

Search engine companies like Google, Microsoft and, to a lesser extent, Apple are trying their best to get users to stop typing in queries and to start using their voices to ask more conversational questions to perform searches ...

Review: Button location sets LG's G2 apart (Update)

LG's flagship mobile gadgets—the G2 smartphone and the G Pad 8.3 tablet—are great mobile devices that have fantastic screens, top-end cameras and ample processing power.

Apple readying two iPhone versions for launch

Apple has asked its Taiwan-based supplier to begin shipping two new versions of the iPhone next month, including a lower-cost model, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

How does calling, texting and emailing affect teens socially?

Near-constant smartphone use is a hallmark of today's teenagers. And while the phenomenon has given rise to new injuries – "text neck" is now a growing problem – how is all that calling, texting and emailing affecting ...

An app for operating a self-driving car

The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) and IT Engineering, a Korean electric vehicle producer, have jointly developed a smartphone software package for calling and moving a self-driving car with ...

Game consoles here to stay despite smartphone onslaught

Games on tablets and smartphones are better, faster and more varied than ever, but the excitement surrounding the upcoming PlayStation 4—expected to attract big crowds at this week's Tokyo Game Show—proves consoles are ...

AT&T stops adding Web tracking codes on cellphones

AT&T Mobility, the second-largest U.S. cellular provider, said Friday it is no longer attaching hidden Internet tracking codes to data transmitted from its users' smartphones. The practice made it nearly impossible to shield ...

Yen fall returns Nintendo to profit (Update)

Nintendo is making money again courtesy of a weaker yen but its business selling game machines is ailing, with sales of its flagship Wii U console still lackluster.

More accurate biopsy by augmented reality

The University of Twente is currently developing a smartphone technology based on the usage of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) and augmented reality (AR). This technology enables medical personnel to reconstruct ...

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